22 May 2024

NWH Group announces a significant investment totaling £1.1M in Newcastle Recycling Plant, Aligning with Carbon Footprint Strategy

NWH Group announces a significant investment totaling £1.1M in Newcastle Recycling Plant, Aligning with Carbon Footprint Strategy

We are delighted to announce a significant investment of £1.1M in a cutting-edge construction and demolition waste processing plant for our Newcastle facility in Blaydon. This strategic move underscores NWH Group's dedication to advancing our operations in the northeast of England while reinforcing our commitment to sustainable practices and reducing its carbon footprint.

The new state-of-the-art equipment, provided by Kiverco, marks a pivotal upgrade from the previous trommel-based materials recycling plant, which is being repurposed elsewhere within the organisation. Scheduled for commissioning and full operation in May 2024, this investment not only modernises our infrastructure but also aligns with our carbon footprint reduction strategy.

Gavin Money, Managing Director at The NWH Group, emphasised, "The new processing plant reflects our commitment to expanding our presence in the northeast and investing in our Blaydon site. Drawing from our experience with similar technology at our Edinburgh super-plant, we've tailored this solution to suit our Newcastle installation. We're excited about the capabilities, efficiencies, and broader benefits it will bring to the region in terms of construction materials recycling capabilities."

In addition to enhancing operational efficiency, the new plant enables us to divert an additional 1,500 tonnes of material from landfill annually, reducing emissions by an estimated 700,515 kgCO₂e. Moreover, the project facilitated a redesign of the site layout for more efficient material movement, projected to decrease fuel usage by 10-20%, resulting in further savings of approximately 64,734 kgCO₂e.

The partnership with Kiverco, an industry leader in durable and sustainable recycling plant solutions, underscores our commitment to excellence in environmental stewardship. The new equipment is equipped to process a wide array of construction and demolition waste, including wood, plastics, poly, cardboard, metals, rubble, and PVC window frames. Additionally, the Blaydon site boasts capabilities in recovering glass, green waste, soil and stone, plasterboard, and cables.

In alignment with this initiative, a spokesperson from Kiverco remarked, "We are proud to partner with NWH Group in their mission to advance sustainable waste management practices. Our shared commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility drives us to deliver solutions that optimise resource recovery and minimise environmental impact."

The investment in the Newcastle recycling plant not only strengthens our operational capabilities but also reinforces our position as a leader in sustainable waste management practices. By leveraging state-of-the-art technology and strategic partnerships, we will continue to drive positive change towards a more sustainable future.

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